Avoiding A Truck Accident During "Delivery Season" This Year

Posted on: 5 December 2017

For most people, this is the holiday season. For truck drivers everywhere, this time of year is better described as "delivery season."  This past Cyber Monday, the first Monday following Thanksgiving, was the biggest online shopping day in the history of the United States. And a lot of online shopping means one thing in particular: a lot of packages that need to be delivered. That's putting delivery truck drivers in overtime, pushing them to their limits to get their jobs done -- which may make it more dangerous for others on the road.
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Why You May Have To Go After An Injury Defendant's Personal Assets Even If They Have Insurance Coverage

Posted on: 13 November 2017

Insurance coverage is the premier source of funds for settling personal injury cases. This is why one of the first things injury victims do is to confirm whether those who are liable for their injuries have insurance coverage. Unfortunately, there are cases in which a defendant's insurance coverage might not pay for your damages, and you will have to go after the defendant's personal assets. Here are examples of such cases:
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How Pedestrians Can Avoid Getting Hit By Cars

Posted on: 6 October 2017

It is easy to blame motorists for car accidents involving pedestrians, but pedestrians are just as to blame as drivers for these accidents. There are lots of precautions you can take as a pedestrian to avoid being hit by a car. Here are some of the top considerations to have when walking by the road or crossing the road on foot: Watch Out for Negligent Drivers One of the most dangerous things to do is to assume that all the drivers on the road are careful, law-abiding, and reasonable.
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Everything You Wanted To Know About Personal Use Breathalyzers

Posted on: 20 September 2017

If you are going to go out for a night of drinking, you might find it useful to use a personal breathalyzer to avoid a DUI. Many people recommend it actually because it can prevent a DUI more easily. If your reading is a certain number, then you know not to get behind the wheel. Here's everything you wanted to know about how this works: Cheap Breathalyzers are Questionable: First off, if you are going to invest in a breathalyzer, you should invest in one that provides the most accurate reading possible.
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