• Who's To Blame In A Left-Hand Turn Accident?

    Imagine waiting for what feels like an eternity to make a left-hand turn. You finally see an opportunity to make your turn, only for it to be cut short by a collision with an oncoming vehicle. In an accident like this, you're probably wondering who'll be found at fault. The answer depends mainly on the circumstances surrounding the crash, as explained below. It's the Left-Turning Driver's Fault, in Most Cases
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  • What You Need To Know After Being Injured Due To Your Landlord's Failure To Make Repairs

    If you fell and were injured on property that you rent, you might be able to hold your landlord at fault if he or she failed to repair a dangerous condition. If so, you may be wondering how to go about getting compensated for your injuries without creating a rift in your relationship with your landlord. After all, you'll need to deal with your landlord on a continuing basis until your lease is up, especially if your landlord has yet to repair the defect that caused your injury.
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  • Minor Children And Auto Accidents - Understanding Some Facts About Age And Lawsuits

    If you are injured in a car accident and the other driver was negligent, then you have the legal right to sue the driver for damages that include pain and suffering, lost wages, and vehicle repairs. Many car accident lawsuits are fairly straightforward and are likely to be settled outside of court. However, if the vehicle was driven by a minor or if a minor caused the accident, then this may complicate the case a bit.
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  • Slip In The Store? Help Your Lawyer Win Compensation For Your Injuries

    Any business that welcomes you into their store has a legal responsibility to ensure your safety while visiting, so if you've slipped and been injured while shopping, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your pain and suffering. It's crucial to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer from a law firm like Clearfield & Kofsky who can effectively represent you and take care of all the paperwork, negotiations, and red tape that is sure to be a part of the legal process once your case gets underway.
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  • Slipped and Fell on an Algae-Covered Walkway in Front of Your Rental Unit? Here's What You Should Know

    Landlords are responsible for keeping their properties safe and free of hazards, such as walkways and/or steps that are covered with algae. Algae can easily grow on surfaces that are always shaded, which can be particularly dangerous because algae becomes extremely slippery when wet and can cause someone to fall. If you've suffered an injury from slipping and falling on a wet, algae-covered surface in front of your rental unit, here's what you need to know.
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  • 3 Tips For Taking Immediate Action After A Car Accident If You Suspect Whiplash

    If you were in a car accident in which you were hit by another vehicle, you may start experiencing immediate tightness, burning or pain in your neck, especially if it was jerked suddenly on impact. If so, you may have suffered whiplash. If so, use the three tips below for taking immediate action for receiving medical treatment and documenting the injury, especially if the accident was caused by the other driver.
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  • 4 Financial Impacts A Car Crash May Have On Hiking Enthusiasts

    The injuries that occur during a car accident often affect work and daily life, but they can also have a huge impact on any hobbies that you actively participate in. If you're a hiking enthusiast, a car crash injury may not only impact your ability to go hiking, but it could result in some financial losses. If someone else is liable for the crash car you were involved in, then an attorney can help you seek a settlement and receive compensation for the injuries.
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  • Expecting A Wrongful Death Settlement? How It Will Affect Your Taxes

    Taxes aren't the most enjoyable subject at the best of times, and they certainly aren't high on your priority list after you've suffered an unexpected death in the family. But if you're pursuing a wrongful death claim and expecting to receive a settlement or judgement, it's important to consider whether or not the money will have an impact on your tax situation. You don't want to be caught unawares if you're going to owe the IRS money.
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  • Doctors Beware: Most Common Diagnostic Mistakes That Result In Lawsuits

    If you are a doctor, you (or your employers) pay a significant amount of money for malpractice insurance each year. You often hear of horrible lawsuits where the hospital must award millions to the plaintiff, but the "it could never happen to me" attitude is a dangerous one. Because diagnostic mistakes are one of the most common reasons for medical malpractice cases, you always need to be on your guard and be aware of the most common mistakes so you can diagnose patients with care to avoid an expensive slip up.
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  • Is There a Way to Defeat a Mandatory Arbitration Agreement?

    Most companies are wise to the fact that if they make a mistake that causes injuries or losses to other people, they could be on the hook for thousands or even millions of dollars in damages. In an effort to minimize the cost of litigation, more and more companies are requiring customers and employees to agree to arbitration clauses that essentially eliminates a person's right to file a lawsuit against the company.
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