
  • How Does A Preexisting Injury Affect Your Personal Injury Claims?

    You might not think that an old injury from an accident years earlier could come back to haunt you. However, it could play a major role in determining the outcome of your current personal injury case. Depending on their nature, preexisting injuries could be a blessing or a curse when it comes to your case. It Could Limit Your Recoverable Damages In an effort to minimize recoverable damages, insurance companies may argue that the pain and suffering caused by an injury sustained during a current accident is actually linked to a preexisting condition.
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  • 4 Proactive Ways Motrocycle Accident Victims Can Manage Settlement Cases

    When you're riding a motorcycle and a crash occurs, many people assume that the motorcycle rider is at fault. This is not always the case as many times the accident occurs when other vehicles are not aware of the motorcycle on the road. A biker is exposed to more elements, creating the potential for more serious injuries. If you've been involved in a motorcycle accident as a biker, then you should seek an attorney for legal help.
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  • Understanding The Various Stages Of A Personal Injury Lawsuit

    When you experience a personal injury, you are already under enough stress dealing with the pain of your injuries and the mounting medical expenses. The last thing you need is to stress over the process of a personal injury lawsuit. Fortunately, understanding the various stages of a lawsuit can help alleviate stress and anxiety associated with the process. Meeting Your Lawyer The first and most important step you can take after receiving an injury and being seen by a physician is to contact a personal injury lawyer.
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  • Three Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Auto Accident Case

    If you are involved in an auto accident, then you may become injured and need to pay for repairs that have occurred to your vehicle. Complete reimbursement might involve filing a lawsuit. A legal professional can definitely help you with the lawsuit claim, but you can start the entire process on your own if you desire. If you decide to go this route, then you need to make sure that you do not make one of the following mistakes.
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  • General vs. Special Damages In Your Personal Injury Case

    Damages refer to the amount of money you receive due to a payout or settlement during a personal injury case. The amount awarded to the plaintiff is always referred to as damages. There are two types of damages you can receive as the plaintiff in such a case: general and special damages. These can also be referred to as non-economic or economic damages, respectively. What constitutes each particular brand of damages? Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn how to differentiate between special and general damages in your personal injury case.
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  • SSI And Babies: How Does A Denied Continuing Disability Review Affect Your Child?

    If your baby initially received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) as a newborn due to a low birth weight but failed to qualify for benefits when they turned one year old, hire a Social Security disability attorney right away. The Social Security Administration (SSA) determines if your baby still qualifies for benefits during a continuing disability review. But if the results of the review doesn't list your baby's other health problems, such as slow learning, limited mobility or restricted vision, your child won't receive the benefits they deserve.
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  • Injured In An Equestrian Accident? You May Have A Personal Injury Case

    If you've recently been injured by a horse, you may be wondering if you have a personal injury case and, therefore, can file a lawsuit to help pay for your medical bills and, perhaps, loss of income. Unfortunately, equestrian accidents are not clear-cut cases for personal injury lawsuits. The reason for this is because it's more difficult to determine fault in equestrian cases than it is for cases involving dog bites or car accidents, for example.
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  • Understanding The Basis For Your Personal Injury Suit

    In the United States, approximately 31 million injuries that require a doctor's care occur in a year. However, not all of these injuries meet the qualifications for a lawsuit. On the other hand, some of these injuries never make it to trial, even though the injured party has a legal claim they could have made. For people who aren't in the business of practicing law, determining whether or not an injury claim has legal merit is difficult.
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  • Who Is At Fault In A Chain Reaction Accident?

    Trying to deal with auto insurance companies is difficult enough when you have been involved in an auto accident with only one other driver. But what do you do when you hit the vehicle in front of you because someone hit you from behind, and then you were hit again when another vehicle joined the melee? Accidents such as these not only lead major property damage, but can often produce horrific injuries.
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  • Invisible Injuries: How To Handle The Psychological Damage Of An Automobile Accident

    Accidents change people's lives, sometimes forever. Even so, it can be difficult to make the decision to move forward with a legal case if you haven't sustained any physical injuries. What many don't realize at the time, however, is that psychological trauma can be as life changing as any physical injury. Here is useful information to facilitate the decision process in your case. How To Know If You're Suffering Is Serious
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